The Factions
The Ancien Régime
ahn-see-en ray-jeem
The ‘Old Order’ may be tottering, but King Louis XVI and Queen Marie Antoinette are sovereigns who can draw on nearly a millennium of royal authority. They retain the support of much of the nobility and enjoy the paternal affection of at least some of their people. However, an indecisive monarch and disorganized court means the Ancien Régime may lack the focused political zeal to ensure its own survival.
Unit Flanders Regiment
Unable to trust the loyalty of native French soldiers, the king has called in foreign mercenaries from the frontier to threaten Paris. Flanders Regiments are able to crackdown on opponent’s locations, depriving them of any benefit of holding the space.
Ability Royal Spies
Beware the eyes and ears of the still-potent old regime spy network. If the monarchy captures your location they will have the opportunity to smoke out and execute one of your conspirators!
The Society of 1789
The high-minded élites of the Society of 1789 include forward-thinking nobles and clergy; men and women of letters; scientists and philosophers. They bring with them the full force of the Enlightenment. They serve God, King, and if they have their way, a constitution. They have the prestige brought by money and influence, but their disdain for the common people leaves them vulnerable to the anger of the streets.
Unit National Guard
Lafayette wanted revolution, but not anarchy. His National Guard is able to restore order, changing control of the location back to it’s native faction.
Ability Against the Wall!
Just because they have enlightened ideals does not mean the Society of 1789 is above brute force when necessary. If the National Guard commandeers one of your locations they will be able to fire on your party, killing one!
The Jacobins
jak-o-bins or zhak-o-bah
The ranks of the Jacobin Club include an array of writers, actors, painters, and famous and infamous minds – all with a vision (though not the same vision) of a radically new France. Passionate but fatally fractious, will the Jacobins be able to translate café tirades and biting articles into real power?
Unit Barricade
None shall pass! Barricades protect Jacobin sections of town from takeover or attack.
Ability The Revolution Devours Its Children
The Jacobins are infamous for their deadly infighting. They may sacrifice one of their own characters in order to guillotine one of yours!
The Sans Culottes
san koo-lot
Those who don’t wear the pants that designate the aristocrats and well-to-do (‘sans culottes’ means ‘without breeches’) are looked down upon as the numberless rabble. But they are also the laborers, artisans, and workers of all stripes who create from bottom up the wealth of a nation. They are determined, but can they overpower the élites who want to keep them in their place?
Unit Angry Mob
Beware the wrath of the disposed masses! If a mob is unleashed it can traverse the map, burning locations to the ground.
Ability À la Lanterne! (From the Lamp Post!)
The people are not above a little summary vengeance. If caught up in a riot, you may find one of your characters strung up from a street lamp.